- Serving: 2 persons
- Preparation: 1 hour 30 minutes (prepare horse mackerel fried skin 12h in advance or ask your fish shop to dehydrate it)
- Difficulty: medium
- Sustainability: Anglerfish stocks are in good status in Portuguese waters, Bay of Biscay as well as the Celtic and Irish Sea. The EU requires a minimum weight of 500 g (complete fish).
Ingredients for the anglerfish
- 2 fillets of anglerfish (200 g)
- fine salt
Ingredients for the fish eggs
- 100 g cod fish eggs/roe
Ingredients for the garlic cream
- garlic cream
- garlic cloves
- cream
- salt
Ingredients for the rouille
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 boiled potato
- 50 g clams
- saffron
- cayenne pepper
- 150 ml of olive oil
- 100 ml sunflower oil
- 4 garlic cloves, without the spike and sliced three times
- 1 tea spoon of lemon juice
Ingredients for the horse mackerel fried skin
- 1/2 skin of horse mackerel (ask your fish shop)
- fine salt
- sunflower oil
Ingredients for the anglerfish broth
- 1.44 kg bones and sides of anglerfish
- 18 g parsley
- 360 ml water
- 75 g xanthan
- 5 g Kombo seaweed
- 15 g Katsobushi
- 5 g sea lettuce
- 15 g plankton
Ingredients for the final steps
- 3 clams
- 1 sun fire
- 1 ice plant
- 1 sea lettuce
- 1 salty fingers
Preparation of the horse mackerel fried skin (alternatively ask your fish shop)
- Clean the skin well, stretch on a kitchen/cooking board and put in the steam oven covered with film for 20 minutes
- Dehydrate for 12 h
- Fry in oil at 190ºC and remove as soon as the oil comes out
Preparation of the anglerfish
- Season the anglerfish with salt
- Cook in a sauté pan while bathing with olive oil and finish with a knob of butter
Preparation of the fish eggs
- Cook the fish eggs in boiling salted water over a low heat for 20 minutes
- Pass through a sieve and season with salt and a drizzle of olive oil
Preparation of the garlic cream
- Place the garlic cloves in a dish and bake at 180ºC
- Remove the skins and grind with a little cream until you get a smooth cream
- Season with salt as required
Preparation of the rouille
- Pass the potato through a sieve and mix with the sea bass broth
- Add the garlic (passed through a sieve), the yolk, lemon juice and the barnacles and emulsify with the fats in a immersion blender
- Add saffron and pepper
- Rectify seasoning as required
Preparation of the broth
- Place all ingredients in a saucepan and cover tightly with the cover and plastic film and leave on low heat for 30 minutes
- Let it stand for 15 minutes
- Strain and add the xanthan
- Cool and add plankton and rectify the seasoning, as required
Final steps
- Decorate with clams, sun fire, ice plant, sea lettuce and salty fingers